Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Wild Chemistry Ride 2:

Accuracy VS Precision

• Accuracy: how close your result is to the actual value

• Precision: how close your values are to each other


• Video Time! (Diet Coke and Mentos)

• What did the Mythbusters do?

- Researched on views from the media on the explanation of the explosion of Diet Coke when mentos was added to it
- Made an assumption that carbon dioxide was the cause behind the explosions
- Had a control set-up (bottle of soda water instead of Diet Coke) for comparison
- Experimented on different possible causes of the "explosion"

• Are the Mythbusters really scientists?

- According to the video, the data collection of the experiment was not shown, thus if there really was no data collection, then the Mythbusters would not be scientists. However, if all steps of a proper experiment (refer to Wild Chemistry Ride 1) were followed outside of the video, then the Mythbusters might be scientists after all. What do you think? 

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